
Yarns may be prepared in antistatic form, i.e. a mixture of 1 – 20% antistatic fibres. Simple yarns are re-spun, paraffined and plied according to the customer´s wishes. Final products are supplied on cross conic spools (6") in returnable metal pallets with the following dimensions 95 x 135 x 120 cm. 

In addition to standard spinning products, the company SINTEX a.s. manufactures tops from synthetic materials using a converter method. 

Commonly made of yarn 

  • Polypropylene
  • M-aramid
  • Polyester
  • Viscose
  • Cotton
  • Polyamide

High quality cotton yarn 

  • Compact (14,5 - 56 tex)
  • Rotor (20 - 50 tex)
  • Spin-plied ROTONA® (30 - 80 tex)

Processed materials 

  • PAN
  • Polyester

Fibres made from synthetic materials are either standard or modified in mass (antibacterial, coloured, with reduced flammability). The measure per single strand ranges from 17 to 20 ktex. Other spinning semi-finished products offered are strands from chemical fibres. Their measure per single yarn ranges from 3 to 5 ktex.
